Once again a pretty nice day for our Red Top trip. Temperatures in the mid-50s and good road conditions. We had 12 people in 7 vehicles. Our lower dig site is still producing nice agate and jasper in the mid to upper pits. Good tumbling material. We only spent a short time here and then we hiked up the Indian Creek Trail to the Red Top Meadow. The pits up there are more stingy and one has to work harder at it. I only collected a handful of pieces here as opposed to a bucket at the lower dig. Nik and Loren reportedly did fairly well. Hoping they post their collection.
With me on this trip was Kelly & Tim B. + 3 friends, Noelle B., Gina M., Julie M., Ray M., Loren M., & Nik B.
Our next and last field trip of the year is scheduled for Nov. 11th at First Creek. This is a 2-mile hike on a good roadbed with a few ups and downs. Jogging carts or wagons work well to carry the load. Mostly we find agate nodules, jasper, crystal plates, and geodes (whole or fragments) here. This trip is weather dependent so pay attention to the e-mails from me. The announcement goes out a week or so before the trip.
Submitted by Roger Danneman Field Trip Guide (roger.danneman@gmail.com)
425-757-3506 cell and texts