Happy New Year! 2018 was a very good year for our club. I hope 2019 proves to be just as great of a year.
Since we are nearing 100 active members we have expanded our Board. In 2019 we have a few new faces on our Board and I am hoping for new ideas and input for our club. Please share with any Board member suggestions you may have for meeting topics, field trips and things you would like to see our club do.

I am trying to work with NAMA and Roger, CMS Field Trip Leader, to put together a gold hunting field trip for the first weekend of August. It will be for stream panning (placer gold). You will be able attend a single day or the weekend. There will be camping or you can stay at a motel in Leavenworth.
Further information will be available in the newsletter or at our meetings as this pulls together. Mark your calendars now if you are interested in this field trip.
Kat Koch, President