Topic: Our annual club picnic at Lake Wilderness. Our picnic is always a friendly event on the lawn among the trees.
For lunch, it is a potluck picnic. So bring a dish to share. If you don’t cook, pick up something from the market. If you are unable to bring anything, that’s okay too. We would rather have you join us for lunch than not.
We generally have around 25 to 35 members attend.
Bring your plate and silverware.
Setup is 11:30 am, and lunch is at noon. We usually wrap things up by 3 pm.
The Arboretum has plenty of free parking.
Following, we have a club auction. The auction is a great chance to pick up items at a fraction of their retail cost. You are welcome to donate items to the auction. All proceeds go to the club treasury to cover expenses.
Our Young Tumblers can also spend their saved “Rock Bucks” at the auction just like cash for items they want.
Afterward, Lake Wilderness is nearby for swimming, plus various play areas for the younger kids.
Our annual picnics are always a great family event!