In the summer of 1948 three people, Cecil ‘Chris’ Christian, J. Arthur Risher, and Robert N. Smith talked about rockhounding and ended up with Chris wishing that they might start an organization for those interested in rockhounding.
On October 12, 1948, fourteen people met and discussed the formation of a club. Further meetings were held during November and December to decide on dues, bylaws, where to meet and a name, so that the club would be completely organized and ready to go in January, 1949.
On January 13, 1949, the first regular meeting of the Sebac Mineralogical Society was held in the T-102 Building on Ellis Avenue. Sebac was an abbreviation of “Seattle Boeing Airplane Company” and was suggested by John Haberlin. The meeting had 35 members and visitors, refreshments, a door prize, two speakers and the election of officers. The first Board meeting was held later in the month.
The First Newsletter
Rock Talk Special Edition December 1950 was a 16 page, one-time bulletin, put together by George & Barbara Frost. (George Frost was the club’s first President and Barbara was the first Secretary-Treasurer.) It contained a message from the club president, informative articles, and jokes.
Growing Pains
Originally, Sebac accepted both Boeing employees and non-Boeing employees as members, but by 1952 the non-Boeing people outnumbered the Boeing people. When it was decided that Sebac would not accept any more non-Boeing members, several members quit.
Name Changes
On November 5, 1954, Vernon Mann made a motion, seconded by Howard Hollingsworth, that the name of the Sebac Mineralogical Society be changed to the Boeing Mineralogical Society. Motion carried. In 1956 Boeing asked that the name be changed to the Boeing Employees’ Mineralogical Society and the club complied.
A Regular Newsletter
In July 1956 the first issue of The Tumbler was sent out with Era Risher as Editor.
In September of 1961 the club incorporated itself and the club finally became the Boeing Employees’ Mineralogical Society, Inc.
In 2009 Boeing stopped supplying us with a location for our shops & a place to meet and in 2010 our long association with Boeing ended & we renamed ourselves the Cascade Mineralogical Society, Inc.